@inproceedings{ Teresa-Galvan_Sánchez_Conde-gonzález_PERALES_PIÑAR_CÁRDENAS_De_Ruiz,

author = { Carlos De Teresa-Galvan and Guillermo Sánchez Delgado and José Conde-gonzález and JOSÉ CÉSAR PERALES LÓPEZ and MARIA ISABEL PIÑAR LÓPEZ and DAVID CÁRDENAS VÉLEZ and Carlos De Teresa-Galván and Jonatan Ruiz Ruiz } ,

title = { Acute cognitive workload hampers subjective recovery, but does not accelerate exhaustion in a maximal effort test on a treadmill },

booktitle = { European Congress of Sport Science },

year = { 2012 },

pages = { None - None },

location = { BRUJAS (BÉLGICA) },
